On our sail from Forester to Crowdy Head there was very
little wildlife, there was however a group of 8 sting rays floating on the top
of the water in bird flying formation as we were crossing the Forester bar unfortunately
we didn’t get any photos of them. Other than them we only saw the occasional
bird however we have 3-4 dolphins escort us into the bay at Crowdy Head and
they even did some swimming on their backs they must have been glad to see us.
We tied up aginst the visitors wharf which had a sign on it saying you can’t
tie up to it, the wharf is falling down and we ended up were the fishing boats
stay. The bay is only small and it’s a shame to see the wharf fall into
It is really windy here which is part of the reason why we decided to find somewhere to hide. We went for a walk up to the lighthouse and nearly got blown away.
Amy trying hard to hide from the wind |
Hard work walking against the wind |
Checking out the beautiful views at the top of the headland |
Lovely to look at but not to be out in |
There is a nice long beach to goes for miles here so we are still going for a run. Amy had heaps of fun running along a sand bank. We used this time to do Amy's school project a diorama she did one on whales but without the box.
It even spurts water |
Digging for treasure |
All they found was rocks, rocks and more rocks. |
Amy can not only drive the dingy but also start it by herself now
We set sail for Laurieton the bar was a bit messy to get across but we made it without any mishaps. We dropped anchor infront of the United Services Club up the river as the wharf already had 2 boats on it. We could use the clubs facilities for free which was a bonus. The mountian seen behind the club is North Brother Mountain which Ian had this really bright idea to walk up one morning which we did and my legs are still paying for it. The walking track goes straight up the side of the mountain, we walked back down the road which was about 10km. Not a bad mornings excerise.
United Services Club with North Brother Mountain behind |
Almost to the top and still smiling |
Our shirts were soaking wet by the time we got to the top and thankfully we had taken water. Amy didn't even break a sweat and not one complaint. I was very proud of her.
At the top what a view |
Having a well deserved break |
hawkeye says that you all look like big drips and love mud wrestling
It was a steep climb. About 500m elevation over 2000m. We were drenched at the top and cold on the way down. Wendy picked up 4 leeches on the way up and was sore, that's why she parked herself in the disable zone.
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