
Lake Macquarie

We headed to Lake Macquarie after leaving Gosford where Saltheart was for about a week. The weather wasn't very nice on the way down here and everyone wa feeling a little under the weather. We had to get the Swansea bridge opened to get through into the lake which didn't involve a lot of preparation.We spent the first couple of nights in Wangi Wangi to get wome well deserved rest from the past few busy weeks. The weather turned nasty for most of the East Coast so we hid out the weather in Dora Creek.

Amy waiting to go through the Swansea bridge
 We tried to get up Dora Creek but only made it not quite half way before we hit bottom, just not deep enough for the old girl. Never mind we didn’t get as far as we hoped but we are still protected from any bad weather that was out there. The wind picked up and the rain came down, we found a couple of drips which will be fixed up. We caught up with family while being here which is always a good thing.

We have stayed in Wangi Wangi for a couple of times since being in Lake Macquarie. Once out the front of the RSL and now in front of the Workers club. It is cheap to stay against the jetty in both places and use the power, showers and toilets. The water in the lake is clean here not discolored from all the mud that has washed in from other parts of the lake. The kids have been for a swim a couple of times and even cleaned the hull, not in the last few days however.

Ian and I out the front of Wangi Wangi RSL.

Daniel and Amy having a swim off Saltheart in Wangi Wangi
We spent Austraila Day in Newcastle (we caught the train up from Dora Creek). There were a lot of people along the foreshore. There was high speed water ski races in the harbour with boats going airbourne, the speed along with the ocean swell coming in must have made it hard for the water  skiers to stay up, we didn't see anyone go over which saw amazing. As we walked along the foreshore 3 fighter jets flew over us. The noise was deafening, they circled around a couple of times before heading back to base. We also saw the tug boats spouting water high into the air and doing donuts in the water, we weren’t sure what they were doing to start with until we picked up a program sheet. It turned out that they were doing a tug boat ballet.
Along the Newcastle Foreshore

Jet planes flying over head

Amy and Daniel to pull up the anchor
Kathleen has caught up with us on the way home after seeing friends further south for a few days. We are doing a few day trips around the lake with her now that the weather has eased of and the sun is starting to show it's face again at times.
My beautiful girls on the bow

Amy helping Ian fix a hole under the dingy

Just Beautiful sisters
We think we may be around the lake for while longer so there may be another post from here we will see how things go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so so sorry not commenting sooner but had a bad flu week ice cold bones and shakes but seem to be getting there my 3 ladies seem to be blossoming even more