We reached Misima about 2pm and had lunch on the boat before going ashore. We had heard so much about how good the bakery is here and couldn’t believe it when we saw a sign that said closed until further notice. We were standing out the front when Lynette (a Dim Dim) who owned the bakery with her husband came out to say hello. She said that the bakery had run out of flour but it arrived on a boat this afternoon so there would be bread in tomorrow. The bread is made by hand so it won’t be ready until the afternoon. She was telling us about the changes that had happened since the gold mine closed and that this was a safe place and there was no trouble. She was really nice and full of information.
Misima from the harbour
We had been told that one of the shops opens at 4pm so we waited to see what they sold. We need rice, sugar, flour and buckets and we will see what else they have as well. We bought a few things from this shop but they didn’t have buckets or fishing lures which we also need. While we were waitng for the shop to open Amy made friends with a couple of little kids her age and was having a great time playing on their swing set. She didn’t want to leave them but we told her she could see them again tomorrow.
Amy playing with her friends
The next day we went to the market and to the bank. Amy was dying to get up to her friend’s house so Kathleen took her up while we were busy trying to get some money out at the bank. Ian was talking to a man who was still working at the mine he was telling him how they use mercury to clean and wash the gold out. We then went to Amy who had taken some toys over to give to the kids as she was having a great time playing with the yesterday. Amy and Daniel stayed and played hide and seek and chasing Daniel around while went across the street to get bread. We bought buns and a couple of muffins the bread doesn’t come out until the afternoon but it was well worth waiting for especially when you haven’t had bread for ages.
it just goes to prove that daughter like mother are both great chatter boxes no wonder you ran out of bread i heard you where feeding the fishes
we didn't feed the fish bread in PNG it was too hard to come by. I'll give you chatter boxes i know you can talk the hind legs off a horse
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