Walking along the beach to the resort on Great Keppel Island.
The kids collected shells which we hadn’t seen on any other beach so far. It was really windy and rolly which made for not much sleep at night with checking we hadn’t dragged. We took the dingy for a ride to the resort the first time we went there as we weren’t sure on how to get there and Amy is getting too heavy to carry too far. We had tried to walk there but Ian said it looked like kilometers. We walked to the resort on the other side of the island when people told us the way they had gone and saw goats the second time. We had a camp fire 1 night which was a success despite not having dry wood which was fun to light but it got there in the end and we toasted marshmallows. We tried to have a game of cricket until the bat broke.
We stopped at Pearl Bay for a couple of nights it was a pretty place and is shut up at times for military training. We were asked if we could take some oars up to a man called Barry who had left them behind, we did this and he gave us a couple of mud crabs and fish which were great. We did a bit of exploring and collected more shells and had a swim. We saw turtles but didn’t see any dugong’s which have a protection area there. We then moved a little further up the coast to Island Head where we collected yabbies and tried a spot of fishing. Ian caught a small shark but it got off the line in the shallow water. You can go further up the river than where we did. It was a comfortable place to stay in the boat as it didn’t move much.
Ian and Amy walking along the beach at Pearl Bay.
From here we went to Middle Percy Island which was great and the water was clear. This is a place that you can only be visited in calm weather the anchorage is no good in anything else. As we dropping the anchor the gear box got stuck in reverse, yet another thing for Ian to fix. At first Ian was worried that we have broken the gear box but he found a crack in a tube which he was able to repair. There is an A frame building that heaps of people have left their mark on by leaving the name of their boat on different things from wood to a bra.
Can you find Saltheart's mark around the middle of the picture we all helped make it. It took a few hours.
The kids managed to make some friends here for the day before they left. We met the lady (Margaret) who has the lease of the island and told us a bit about the history of the place. We also went snorkeling amongst a huge school of bait fish which was amazing. We made a plague to leave here with the name of our boat which took the better part of the morning with a screwdriver and a soldering iron.
We moved onto Digby Island from here for the night before we went onto Mackay the start of the Whitsunday’s. We have spent about a week here. We needed to get the pipe that broke replaced or repaired permanently. Then the winds picked up to 25-30 knots so we stayed until it settled a bit. As it turned out the pipe wasn’t fixed properly and Ian had a hard time trying to get it to fit back where it came from after part of it must have been cut out. The marina is out of town, we have caught a cab a couple of times which is a bit of a rip off, we have walked back twice which was a bit of exercise it is a 5km walk. We got slightly wet once. We haven’t really done anything exciting here. We did stubble upon an event in a park where the kids got to do some volleyball, face painting, pillow fighting and jumping castles which were free. We are going to Brampton Island the wind is still supposed to be 25-30 knots but it wasn’t that strong today.
what a story always blaming the wind for taking ages to continue the longmuir saga. poor ian still having to work i would say its about time wendy did a few repairs womens lib and all that .keep the saga going and dont take so long next time. guess who
Here here, I agree to that
she would not know what to do only blame you because it does not work
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